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Real estate appraisal, property valuer, expert opinion, Czech republic

In addition to independent realty appraisal we give you another important pieces of information important for buying or selling the realty.
We will provide you with official real estate appraisal accepted by authorities... this and much more you can find on our website.

Real estate appraisal and expert opinion - apartment, house, land and more at

It´s quite difficult for foreigners to figure out actual and appropriate price of realty in Czech republic. Therefore you can take advantage of our website. We offer you online and official appraisal.

Apply for online appraisal, if you want to know common price of a specific realty in Czech Republic. Choose the type of the realty you want to let evaluate, fill in all necessary data. Final price with comments will be sent to you via email and by SMS right after our appraisers will complete the appraisal. Although service is charged with a small fee (from 99 to 249 CZK), possible benefits for you are much bigger.

We also provide official appraisals of real estates, which you can use in contact with bureaus, banks, notaries, in case of inheritance or foreclosure, when selling your properties etc. Just choose the type of property you want to evaluate and fill in the application. We will contact you as soon as possible.

Last orders of realty estimates and expert opinions
On-line appraisal
17.05.2024bytBenátky nad Jizerou
Expert evidence / opinion
18.05.2024flatÚstí nad Labem
18.05.2024flatJablonec nad Nisou
17.05.2024flatHlavní město Praha
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